As I’m sure you noticed because you come to this site 100 times a day, we got a new theme! Same great content on a much easier to read theme! In case you missed it, check out my first impressions on Google Glass! I’ve also got an upcoming post about my new TV wall build. You can check out my old TV wall build here. It should be done any day now, so be on the lookout for that. I made sure to document it much better this go around, so expect awesome pictures. That about wraps it up for today.
Chad Burton
Hello, My name is Chad, my handle for the internet people is OutKastz. I play the internet often, it's one of my favorite games and I play to win. Sometimes I even beat my high score. I enjoy .net programming, hardware hacking, and all around tinkering on the computer. I'm a big fan of the Tampa Bay Lightning and Teslas!